ARKA – The Green School
453/2, Global Holism Ground, Andoor, Vendalicode – 629161
RC No. 1/21 dated 27/7/2020
Good Morning Dear parents,
Hope all are being well when you find this message during this time. As we all know this is a busy and unsetting time for all of us. I wish everyone in your family be in good health throughout this challenging period where we are now.
Together we are to reassure that our health and our neighbor’s health is in good hope.
I request all the parents, students, teachers and the lovable family to be safe during this time. Please be safe and be in your shelter and avoid meeting with people if it is an unavoidable one. If so keep a distance of 2m distance from the people around you.
We too are to be isolated from others who do not mean the importance of keeping distance. Already we have implemented remote working norms wherever possible. Whilst we are not in a possibility to meet with you in person, we continue to support our help from remote.
Please with us in educating our child. Be safe! Be safe!! Be safe!!!
This is the period Covid 19 spreads fast in our area. So be careful. Our School office will not open till the next announcement.
Thanking you.
In educational service-ARKANS
ARKA-The Green School.
ARKA – The Green School
453/2, Global Holism Ground, Andoor, Vendalicode – 629161
RC No. 2/21 dated 29/08/202
Dear students!!
Please prepare a thought provoking speech on the topic “Our Culture- Live Leaving the Differences” and share the video to your teachers. The best will be shared in your school group.
Thanking you.
In educational service-ARKANS
ARKA-The Green School.
ARKA – The Green School
453/2, Global Holism Ground, Andoor, Vendalicode – 629161
RC No. 3/21 dated 02/10/2020
Good Morning Dear CHILDREN!!
Today its holiday because of Gandhi Jayanthi. Tomorrow is a working day in compensation.
Thanking you.
In educational service-ARKANS
ARKA-The Green School.
ARKA – The Green School
453/2, Global Holism Ground, Andoor, Vendalicode – 629161
RC No. 4/20 dated 15/10/2020
Dear Students!!
Cricket- Free Coaching Camp at ARKA SPORTS ACADEMY, Global Holism Ground, Arka The Green School, Andoor, Kulasekharam.
Date:19-10-2020 to 31-10-2020
Age limit:4 to 18 years Time : 3.00pm to 5 pm
Last date for Free Entry: 23-10-2020 For More Details: 8870112348
Thanking you!
In educational service-ARKANS
ARKA-The Green School.
ARKA – The Green School
453/2, Global Holism Ground, Andoor, Vendalicode – 629161
RC No. 5/21 dated 15/02/2021
Dear Parents,
Teachers are in work with school registers for CEO inspection. So may avoid taking classes. Please pardon us for the inconveniences.
Thanking you!
In educational service-ARKANS
ARKA-The Green School.
ARKA – The Green School
453/2, Global Holism Ground, Andoor, Vendalicode – 629161
RC No. 6/21 dated 19/02/2021
Dear parents,
Hope classes going on without any disturbances though we had CEO inspection. Thank you dear parents for your kind cooperation.
Thanking you!
In educational service-ARKANS
ARKA-The Green School.
ARKA – The Green School
453/2, Global Holism Ground, Andoor, Vendalicode – 629161
RC No. 7/21 dated 29/03/2021
Dear children!!
Those who are in 6th in 2021-2022 write a small article on “My Journey in Science from Ist to Vth”
themes you are learning from I to V. same way find different themes and write a short essay on that. You can refer the index page of all science books and then read within the lessons given.
Thanking you!
In educational service-ARKANS
ARKA-The Green School.
ARKA – The Green School
453/2, Global Holism Ground, Andoor, Vendalicode – 629161
RC No. 8/21 dated 29/03/2021
Dear 8th Standard Children!!
Write a small article on “Expansion of What I Experienced in Class I to V Science is What I learned in Science and Social Science of VII”
Expecting your postings in the class group. Share your writings in the class group.
Write your name at the end.
Thanking you!
In educational service-ARKANS
ARKA-The Green School.
ARKA – The Green School
453/2, Global Holism Ground, Andoor, Vendalicode – 629161
RC No. 9/21 dated 04/04/2021
Dear children!!
Learn at least 50 words spelling in each language so to keep intact for the next academic year which will be opened in the month of June.
Thanking you!
In educational service-ARKANS
ARKA-The Green School.
ARKA – The Green School
453/2, Global Holism Ground, Andoor, Vendalicode – 629161
RC No. 10/21 dated 04/04/2021
Dear parents!!
Help in this effort by the children. Be supportive which will ease the learning for the children.
If it is relaxed we can meet in the month of May. Be ready!!
Thanking you!
In educational service-ARKANS
ARKA-The Green School.
ARKA – The Green School
453/2, Global Holism Ground, Andoor, Vendalicode – 629161
RC No. 11/21 dated 10/04/2021
Dear students!!
Can share self written or compiled articles on “A Better Mom- A Way to Draw the Self and Family”. Please do not go for copy paste. It will not speak about our society.
Kids can write on “My Mother’s Story”.
The above topic is for parents.
Make a “Self Portrait” of you with waste materials.
Thanking you!
In educational service-ARKANS
ARKA-The Green School.
ARKA – The Green School
453/2, Global Holism Ground, Andoor, Vendalicode – 629161
RC No. 12/21 dated 04/05/2021
Dear parents!!
Book sales for classes 1 – 8 start from tomorrow. So parents please come and purchase the books without fail and for KG will be announced later……
Thank you
Thanking you!
In educational service-ARKANS
ARKA-The Green School.
ARKA – The Green School
453/2, Global Holism Ground, Andoor, Vendalicode – 629161
RC No. 13/21 dated 02/06/2021
Good morning dear parents and teachers!!
Hope all are in good health. Let we all pray for the one who suffered and suffering. Also let we pray for no one getting affected!!
We planned for book sale. Only few students have got the book. So after lock down will plan for book sale and then proceed with the classes.
Please support us in getting the books in time as well as to start the classes.
Thanking you!
In educational service-ARKANS
ARKA-The Green School.
ARKA – The Green School
453/2, Global Holism Ground, Andoor, Vendalicode – 629161
RC No. 14/21 dated 07/06/2021
Dear parents!!
Hope the situation has settled to extent from the COVID pandemic. As few teachers got affected with COVID we couldn’t start the class on 02.06.2021 as we planned. Also most of the students didn’t get the book. So we planned to issue the book on tomorrow(08.06.2021) so to start the school on 09.06.2021. those who are to collect the books are requested to collect the same.
Thanking you!
In educational service-ARKANS
ARKA-The Green School.
ARKA – The Green School
453/2, Global Holism Ground, Andoor, Vendalicode – 629161
RC No. 15/21 dated 08/06/2021
Dear parents,
This is the price of book. Try to have in home so to make learning an easier one.
I standard = 540
II standard = 550
III standard = 420
IV standard = 420
V standard = 420
VI standard = 700
VII standard = 700
VIII standard = 770
Also buy from outside.
Test notes for all subjects.
Home work note for all subjects.
Drawing note.
Activity note for all subjects (club activities)
Class note for all subjects
5 Chart paper, glue, glitters, colour tape etc for project works.
Thanking you!
In educational service-ARKANS
ARKA-The Green School.
ARKA – The Green School
453/2, Global Holism Ground, Andoor, Vendalicode – 629161
RC No. 16/21 dated 14/06/2021
Dear parents!!
Please speak in English to your child. When we spoke to some children found that couldn’t convey the message.
Thanking you!
In educational service-ARKANS
ARKA-The Green School.
ARKA – The Green School
453/2, Global Holism Ground, Andoor, Vendalicode – 629161
RC No. 17/21 dated 18/06/2021 16-06-2021
Respected Sir/Madam,
Warm greetings from Kumari Arivial Peravai!
Kumari arivial Peravai(KAP) is a voluntary group which is striving hard to imbibe scientific awareness among school children in Kanyakumari District and induce them to concentrate towards research with the help of scientists, doctors, teachers, well-wishers and specialists from various fields. Asiriar Thilagam Award and Young Scientist programme are two important activities being carried out by KAP.
Every year, we organize the Young Scientist Program on a specific theme. The theme for year 2015-2016 was “Consume with Care”, 2016-2017 was “Voice of the Earth”, 2017-2018 was “Rescue the Planet Earth”, 2018-2019 was “Land and Life”, for 2019-2020 “Human Innovation” and for 2020-2021 “Global Challenges”. This year(2021-2022) we have chosen the topic “Sustainable Life” with sub topics: Ecological Sustainability, water Sustainability, energy Sustainability, Livelihood Sustainability and Climate Sustainability. Young scientist program helps in developing talented pool of students in Kanyakumari district through various training programs, visiting to various institutions and interacting with scholars from diverse fields. Based on 9 selection process, 53 students are selected every year for the young scientist program. The beauty of the selection process is that before each selection process training is offered to all the students. At the end of the year they present their research work in any one of the reputed institution. Previous batch students presented in NIIST, Thiruvananthapuram, Gandhigram Rural Institute(deemed University) Dindigual, Central university of Tamil nadu, Thiruvarur, TNAU, Coimbatore etc. Since we are facing an unprecedented situation, to continue this year program, we had a fruitful consultation meet with school heads in the year 2020. It is decided to continue the program through online. With all the support from school management, parents, KAP coordinators, consultants and scientists we have completed the 2020-21 young scientist program in a great way and students are going to submit their research work on 26th June 2021 at CSIR-NIIST Thiruvananthapuram through online. Now the year 2021-22 has begun and we have already selected our theme, now we are in the process of selection of students for young scientist program 2021-22. So, we request you to send 5 class 8th students from your school, with the prior approval from their parents. Along with the mail, application form for the same is attached, kindly fill it and send the scan copy of the form through email to on or before 1st July 2021. The first program, “Introductory Seminar on Sustainable Life” is scheduled on 10th July 2021. We request students to participate in this program through online. Details of the meet will be shared with the students and school on 6th July 2021.
With warm regards,
M. Velaian Organiser,
Kumari Arivial Peravai.
For the young scientist program students from class VI to VIII can apply. Interested parents can communicate to the Science club Co-ordinator Dr. R. Kalai Arasi.
Thanking you!
In educational service-ARKANS
ARKA-The Green School.
ARKA – The Green School
453/2, Global Holism Ground, Andoor, Vendalicode – 629161
RC No. 18/21 dated 24/06/2021
Those who are paying fees through bank transaction can follow the following: ARKA- The Green School,
Acount No:418905004552 IFSC Code: ICIC0004189
To pay the dues in fee!!
Please forward the message to this number +916384831494 after finishing the payment.
Thanking you!
In educational service-ARKANS
ARKA-The Green School.
ARKA – The Green School
453/2, Global Holism Ground, Andoor, Vendalicode – 629161
RC No. 19/21 dated 30/06/2021
Dear students,
As July 1st is celebrated as Doctor’s Day. Please send drawings, posters, poems,quotes, story, my mind voice or any other related materials prepared by you today itself in assembly period.
Thanking you!
In educational service-ARKANS
ARKA-The Green School.
ARKA – The Green School
453/2, Global Holism Ground, Andoor, Vendalicode – 629161
RC No. 20/21 dated 30/06/2021
Dear students,
Your class group will be left open during lunch hour as well as in the evening from 4 to 6. You can post your talents in the group.
Thanking you!
In educational service-ARKANS
ARKA-The Green School.
ARKA – The Green School
453/2, Global Holism Ground, Andoor, Vendalicode – 629161
RC No. 21/21 dated 06/07/2021
Dear parents…..
I’m glad to announce that our school has entered into NCC.
Please give your name to the class teacher if interested. Teachers are requested to send the same to the Principal for enrollment.
Interested student from class 6 onward can join in NCC. The minimum age for joining is 13(thirteen) years.
Kids from class VI onwards are requested to attend the exhibition without fail sharply at 1.00 pm tomorrow . its part of your science class.
Thanking you!
In educational service-ARKANS
ARKA-The Green School.
ARKA – The Green School
453/2, Global Holism Ground, Andoor, Vendalicode – 629161
RC No. 22/21 dated 14/08/2021
Good afternoon Dear parents,
Our inspection for affiliation up to senior secondary level is over on 11.08.2021.
The second good news is that we have got approval to conduct NCC under central government defense department. Interested students from 8th standard onwards can join for the same. This is a self finance course.
After completion of A,B and C certificates along with ANO cadre training one can become a Gazetted officer and also can get scholarships on the achievement of different tasks.
Immediately give the name to Ramani mam in this number 9787372392
We are to celebrate Independence Day tomorrow. We request interested students above class VI to come in full uniform to school (not sports but school uniform)
NOTE: Shoe and white socks and bow is compulsory I requested all to be at 8.30am in school.
Dear children,
Come in colour dress as the old dress may not fit for you.
Thanking you!
In educational service-ARKANS
ARKA-The Green School.
ARKA – The Green School
453/2, Global Holism Ground, Andoor, Vendalicode – 629161
RC No. 23/21 dated 19/09/2021
Dear parents,
Good afternoon to one and all,
This is to inform that those who are paying fee through bank transaction or Google Pay please forward the confirmation message.
For NCC request the parents to submit the details before 8 am tomorrow. Please send them as PDF through Whatsapp.
Thanking you!
In educational service-ARKANS
ARKA-The Green School.
ARKA – The Green School
453/2, Global Holism Ground, Andoor, Vendalicode – 629161
RC No. 24/21 dated 19/09/2021
Dear Teachers!!
All the teachers are asked to prepare questions and post the questions in teachers group on or before Monday. (Take only MCQs for 40 marks)
Thanking you!
In educational service-ARKANS
ARKA-The Green School.
ARKA – The Green School
453/2, Global Holism Ground, Andoor, Vendalicode – 629161
RC No. 25/21 dated 19/09/2021
Dear Parents,
Please go through the time table for Term1 Exam.
GRADE :1 - 2
Term 1 Exam Timetable
4/10/2021- English
GRADE : 3 – 5
4/10/2021- English
GRADE : 6 - 8
All the best dear children!! Thank you.
Thanking you!
In educational service-ARKANS
ARKA-The Green School.
ARKA – The Green School
453/2, Global Holism Ground, Andoor, Vendalicode – 629161
RC No. 26/21 dated 09/10/2021
Dear Parents,
School closes for Pooja Holidays on 09.10.2021 and reopens on 20.10.2021.
Thanking you!
In educational service-ARKANS
ARKA-The Green School.
ARKA – The Green School
453/2, Global Holism Ground, Andoor, Vendalicode – 629161
RC No. 27/23 dated 10/10/2021
Dear parents,
Vijayadasami - an auspicious time beginning for the formal education of our child. Let in for a new beginning and be ideal to start your tot on his/ her pre-school experience.
Registration for the Academic Session 2022-23 will start on 15th October 2021. Walk in to the school office on 15/10/2021 (Friday) or else on the following working days.
Time:9.00 am to 4.30pm
Note: Parents should bring the copy of birth certificate of the child for registration.
Thanking you!
Thanking you!
ARKA – The Green School
453/2, Global Holism Ground, Andoor, Vendalicode – 629161
RC No. 28/24 dated 18/10/2021
Dear parents,
An important notice!
How to begin the physical classes after 600+ days of long leave and the challenges before the management, Principal & Teachers.
1.
gives the following guidelines while on in school:
Dear Parents and Teachers follow the above guidelines. Thank You.
Thanking you!
In educational service-ARKANS
ARKA-The Green School.