ARKA - The Green School


SESSION 2020-21

NCERT TEXTBOOK: The Earth Our Habitat       CLASS: VI       SUBJECT: Social Science
S.NoExam NameChapterPeriods RequiredMonth
1PT IThe earth in the solar system:
- Activity Lerning: Explain, Read, Real Time Activities and Learn
- Concept Map Learning: Read, form Concept Map and learn
- Location Map learning
- Revision
- Class Test

8 hours
8 hours
1 hour
1 hour
1 hour
2PT 2Globe: Latitude and longitudes
- Activity Lerning: Explain, Read, Real Time Activities and Learn
- Concept Map Learning: Read, form Concept Map and learn
- Location Map learning
- Revision
- Class Test

8 hours
8 hours
1 hour
1 hour
1 hour
3PT 3Motions of the earth
- Activity Lerning: Explain, Read, Real Time Activities and Learn
- Concept Map Learning: Read, form Concept Map and learn
- Location Map learning
- Revision
- Class Test

8 hours
8 hours
1 hour
1 hour
1 hour
- Activity Lerning: Explain, Read, Real Time Activities and Learn
- Concept Map Learning: Read, form Concept Map and learn
- Location Map learning
- Revision
- Class Test

8 hours
8 hours
1 hour
1 hour
1 hour
Major domains of the earth
- Activity Lerning: Explain, Read, Real Time Activities and Learn
- Concept Map Learning: Read, form Concept Map and learn
- Location Map learning
- Revision
- Class Test

8 hours
8 hours
1 hour
1 hour
1 hour
6PT 4Major landforms of the earth
- Activity Lerning: Explain, Read, Real Time Activities and Learn
- Concept Map Learning: Read, form Concept Map and learn
- Location Map learning
- Revision
- Class Test

8 hours
8 hours
1 hour
1 hour
1 hour
7PT 5Our country - India
- Activity Lerning: Explain, Read, Real Time Activities and Learn
- Concept Map Learning: Read, form Concept Map and learn
- Location Map learning
- Revision
- Class Test

8 hours
8 hours
1 hour
1 hour
1 hour
8PT 6India: Climate, vegetation and wildlife
- Activity Lerning: Explain, Read, Real Time Activities and Learn
- Concept Map Learning: Read, form Concept Map and learn
- Location Map learning
- Revision
- Class Test

8 hours
8 hours
1 hour
1 hour
1 hour
- Revision of Real Time Activities, Concept Maps, Location Map
- Overall Revision
- Class Test
15 hours
5 hours
1 hour
- Revision of Real Time Activities, Concept Maps, Location Map
- Overall Revision
- Class Test
15 hours
5 hours
1 hour