In this information rich world the students are unable to raise questions while a concept is taught. As a teacher and parent we might have heard asking questions like:

Why it came here? Why it has no wing? Why it went there? Why we need this? and so on. Here we wants to give chance to explore the reason behind by adding a project-based REAL TIME ACTIVITY based learning in our teaching objectives. This method makes the child to be interested and shows involvement in knowing about the fact behind. The more real-time connectedness to the real world, the better would be the achievement. It can be the process behind the living of a leaf or birth of new life or mechanism behind the movement of some worms or insects or the aesthetic appreciation of the world around or the any why behind the wonders. So the experience of adults boils down to the extract of knowledge on the children through projects we plan at.

The kindergartens learn with the structural aspects of our own body, and the surroundings along with some small works of bringing the structure into 2D form or in shapes of their own choice. When these are taught they learn to use what they learned from the teacher. When children do their own projects they feel it as an innovation in them. They look the thing they learned to identify or understood which bring a new light in them. This alone brings them to move to the next step ahead.

 “If you are always trying to be normal, you will never know how amazing you can be” – Maya Anglou.

The way taken is:

  • Increase responsibility of the child by encouraging and speaking often.

  • Practice time management by making a job to finish at the stipulated time.

  • Teacher acts as a guide (mother) to the student at any time.

  • Empower the child when accomplishments were made.

  • The Place children can show the creativity in ARKA is:

    • Giving project based as well as passion based activities during the week end, long breaks, or hour per mid-week for the aching children.

    “If we are to reach real peace in this world… We shall have to begin with children.” -Mahatma Gandhi.

    Experience by Melina Louise:

    “For so long I have been told what to know and taught how to know it, but never once did I really feel in control of my learning. It felt like the knowledge went into my brain, stayed there until after my exams, and then was thrown away like a smooth stone into a lake out of my reach forever. But when you are passionate about something and can learn it the way that YOUR brain understands it, it seems the knowledge takes root.”


    Book Title Challenge to know about the library,

    Library Treasure Hunt to identify a book,

    Quiz on books,

    Star Reader Challenge,

    Task Achiever Hunt (E.g.) Hindi number learning, Kural learning, Poem with action, Project Beater etc.

    Trio and Dio

    The trio-dio learning was developed when the difficulty of giving individual concentration in parallel to more than 2children. So came with the method of making a teacher out of the children and allotment of a intense care child to the teacher child and the teacher as a trio. Here the teacher is a guide by being common for all trio developed in a class. When trio method is not possble because of the difficulty level with a specific child dio method was used having the intense care child and teacher alone. This was adopted after each concept learning/ learning module.

    Fuzzy Fizz Exploration

    The Fuzzy Fizz Exploration is a required point where one has to identify the child before starting with the teaching learning process. For that more activities are planned to identify the child in random. In one way or other the teacher can explore the child and identify the individuality. Some of the methods adopted to raise the enthusiasm in learning are: To understand interest of the child needs to in-absentia observations (ethnography), Focus Groups, One-on-One Interviews, community narratives (storytelling) or imagery activities such as collaging, comparing/contrasting or mind-mapping etc. These more unconventional approaches have the luxury to verbalize the subconscious thoughts and opinions of the child to aid in developing the learning habit.

    Food neophobia

    The level of Food neophobia for an individual is affected by cultural, gender, age, education, social, economics, and urbanization. Here in our village awareness on this is very low. So ways are found to take the route and tackle the problem before putting effort on learning by the child. The problem we have witnessed with nearly 97 % children.

    "To eat is a necessity, but to eat intelligently is an art."

    Outdoor Education program

    The experiential learning given at ARKA are unique to Outdoor Education where real time incidents of society at a large through ear-by-ear or newspaper accounts are added up being in the outdoor eduation program. The uniqueness helps us to achieve the goals.

    Psychological Eco-system

    Bronfenbrenner's ecological systems theory views child development as a complex system of relationships affected by multiple levels of the surrounding environment, from immediate settings of family and school to broad cultural values, laws, and customs.

    Keeping in mind one-to-one in-depth analysis is made with the parent when they reach adolacent age and will proceed with the personality development of the child.

    Choice in day-to-day school life

    Choices inspire them to enter into fields around and learn new things. It helps to try for a new with the known aspects. Not only that it helps to take much further.

    This is made possible by having committees like:
  • Curriculum Committee
  • Learning Locale Committee - Subject based
  • Teaching & Instruction Committee
  • Professional's Committee - Changing role of teacher
  • Timetables Committee
  • Assessment Committee