Rules at ARKA – Green School

For Students:

The major responsibility of ARKA – The Green School is to endow with an equal opportunity in a high quality education. To this point the students, parents, teachers, administrators and society around has to work willingly to provoke a positive educational ambiance in academics as well as behavioral terms. So comes here with the rules and regulations followed at ARKA.

Information Hot Line

Report any information to maintain safety at ARKA – The Green School to 8903641633 or 04651 - 29052

  • Timeliness, Neatness & Progression:   Report to school and class in time. School begins at 9:00 am and if one is late has to report to the office to receive admit or tardy slip. Also should not reach school before 8.30 am because of lack of adult supervision. Maintain a good emergence with the dress, grooming, and cleanliness. Take line while entering into the school and reaching the classroom. Be quiet, smart and maintain order when in campus. Running may be the reason for frequent injuries.

  • Attendance:   Try hard to be present every school day. If absent, parents should Whatsapp(preferred)/call (Whatsapp 8903641633/04651 - 279052) the school in the morning of the absence and notify the office AO in writing when comes back to school or sending through friends. On return to school must bring leave form without fail.

  • Preparedness & Hard work:   Come prepared with school requirements and completed homework for target achievement academically, to be the best of one's abilities. Be prepared to listen to the teacher and classmates, and follow directions. Work hard, and always do your best.

  • Safety:  Be safe! Remain within school boundaries at all times when in school. Do not climb trees, gates, railings, fences, and the school buildings. Students leaving the campus must be accompanied by a parent/guardian. (Leaving campus without consent is an offense).

  • Discipline:  Be kind, polite, smiling and friendly to others keeping hands / feet to the self with good manners at all time. Treat people the way you would like to be treated. ARKANS avoid using abusive or profane language or gestures and is an offense. Act in parallel with the high standards of social behavior. Bullying in form of verbal or written form through digital means or physically or in any other similar way is prohibited in school. Harassment in any form is prohibited. Liquor is fully prohibited within the school. Students will be counseled in addition to any consequence.

  • Be respectful:   Respecting classmates, teachers, school, adults and others property give a satisfaction and boosting reward to work well further. Differences will be settled by discussing the problem and seeking a solution that is considerate to the all concerned. Raise your hand when would like to speak in class or need to leave the classroom for any reason (e.g., going to restroom, nurse, etc.)

  • Honesty:  Always be truthfull.

  • Sharing:  Share the belongings when others are in need. The situatioin may be when forgot to bring pencil, eraser, scale or spilled the food and the like.

  • Tidiness:   Keep the classroom, buildings and the campus neat. Do not deface or damage school property. Students who wreck the school property will make compensation. Respect the property rights of others.

  • Restricted Materials:  Do not bring the electrical equipments, toys, pets, instruments, valuables, fireworks, weapons and chocolates without permission.

  • No trading:  Buying/selling and trading are not allowed.

  • P.K.G to XII Homework:   It is to be given with pace of a month, on week days. Projects may be given on weekends or vacations. Two to three subjects can be given in a day. Homework should not be a punishment.

    GradeHome Work TimeGradeHome Work Time
    Kindergarten20 min a day; 80 min a week
    Grade 140 min a day; 160 min a weekGrade 74 hours a day; 16 hours a week
    Grade 21 hour a day4; hours a weekGrade 84 hours a day; 16 hours a week
    Grade 32hours a day; 8 hours a weekGrade 94-5 hours a day; 20 hours a week
    Grade 42hours a day; 8 hours a weekGrade 104-5 hours a day; 20 hours a week
    Grade 52hours a day; 8 hours a weekGrade 114-5 hours a day; 20 hours a week
    Grade 64 hours a day; 16 hours a weekGrade 124-5 hours a day; 20 hours a week

    Homework is to be given as a regular task to bring the sustained work habit. Also may be given on Friday if necessary. Projects, incomplete homework, and touch-up work (absentee’s work) may be planned on weekends or vacations. Homework can be started from school itself if time permits. All make-up work due to absence must be made possible by the student or parent with the teacher so to be in tune with the syllabus and also to get the full credit in a subject.

    School Bus

    The following steps are taken for the peaceful driving by the driver:

  • For school bus minor mischief verbal warning by the driver is given.

  • Major incidents/repetition of same behavior is taken to school van administrator.

  • If a behavior goes beyond control then taken to Principal and then a letter is sent to parent.

  • The driver will not wait for the tardy students.Students must wait for the bus in a place where safety is assured, clear without traffic and away from the bus stop.

  • For Teachers:

  • Home work correction and Daily evaluation:As we know students' value homework and its result, it should be evaluated on the same day itself. Students should see the results of their homework on the same day so to understand the difficulties or doubts if any and it would be a memorable learning for a student.

  • The teacher on role:The best interest of the student has to be identified as for the student you are the number one priority guide. So raise the question “How can I benefit my student?” and be with the answer. Building a strong interaction with your students, peers, coordinator, and parents will eventually make the job easier. The class time should be used in a way to not disturb by speaking to the visitors or the teachers of neighbouring class. The way is engaging in preparation work or children's betterment works. Be a smart teacher but not a hard working teacher.

  • Be in Rule:School rules and classroom rules by teachers must not circumvent nor conflict with each other. Be unambiguous about the rules and the expectations from your children. Often have discussion and reference of the rules and expectations. Students cannot be in hold of what they do if they do not know how they should behave. Be stiff, fair, and unfailing for the smooth running of the class. Our students watch for this and could get the disparities if any.

  • Be Prepared:Be learned and prepared on your subject willingly. If you fail it would interlock the whole class. Be intact with the time and engage your students well with love. Strive hard to improve the holdings you have in educating a child each day and each moment. Don’t think of your years teaching experiences as short or more.

  • Be in School:Be confident that you should not take the personal life in bothering you. Teachers must do their part to fit into place even the most unenthusiastic parents in the learning process. Provide chance to involve themselves into the learning process.Use the parent’s and student’s feedback to improve your practice. Get advice from the fellow teachers whom you feel good in all aspects.

  • Child's Defence at our hand: Defend and protect your students at any costs. The responsibility lies with the teachers to safeguard and secure the children at all times. Need to practice safety plans frequently in and out of class and never allow students to engage in uncontrolled behavior. Never covey the children that they cannot do anything. Help the children to reach the goals set by pushing them gently back in the right way if there is a need arise. Never put down a student when they are infront of others. It will put them down. To discipline a student do it privately without others knowledge. Our duty is to hold and and correct them thoughtfully when they slip down.

  • For Parents:

  • To be in the Campus:For the protection of students and staff, all visitors are required to inform to the main office before going to any other part of the campus.

    Standard Procedures for Visitors:

  • Greeted to find out the reason for your visit

  • Asked to sign in and out using a visitor log book

  • Will be issued a visitor name badge

  • Clearing the clarifications in office has to return the name badge and sign with time in visitor's log book.

  • Be with your Child: Parents have to speak much with the children to get to know about the ongoing topic in a subject, teaching method and evaluation techniques so to adopt to that environment. When parents take up this the students will take the school concern seriously as well.

  • When your Child is Sick: Better choice is to stay home if your child have fever, nauseated, vomited, or have diarrhea. Parents should use the “Leave Record” form while applying for leave.

  • Parents can be part of teaching faculty by being with ARKA as:

  • a classroom helper

  • in fairs

  • in Field trips

  • in board meetings

  • a library assistant

  • reading a story to the class

  • giving a talk

  • attending school concerts or plays

  • Be a Study Helper

    Parents, learning may make your child to feel bored or scary or lazy and helping your child with study skills may help them to get good learning habits throughout life. So it is a reward to your child. The learning method may be:
  • Pictorical learning

  • Mind mapping

  • Flow chart making

  • Hands on or real time learning

  • Teaching others

  • Teaching others

  • Exploring

  • Brain Storming

  • Make organized

    Children getting sidetracked can be seen often. It needs a better guidance from the parent as well as school side. It counts for an organized work of what they did or to do. Homework folder (school has to supply this) should be tracked to complete the home works and projects well in hand. Working on this every school night would suffice the knowledge development. The work should be set up in a home work bin and completed one by one having a check list in hand and ticking off the finished works. One can keep a special bin for the completed homework or project. Parents help in completing in this way. Here organizational skill is learned and practiced.

    Be a Study Helper

    A nutritious breakfast give a nutritious day for the brain. A boost for the attention in class, conscious work outs, concentrated learning, and developing a good memory is given by a best motivation by the parent. Give right amount of sleep by making your child to be on time to sleep. Children of school-age need 10 to 12 hours of sleep at night. It may be reduced because of TVs, computers, mobile video games, and hectic family plan. Parents have to check on in this concern and make your child to sleep in time. This may lead to hyperactive conditions whereby may feel hard to be in school and get in contact with the everyday teachings.

    Bring to Knowledge about the Home Situation

    The home situation may change depending on the situation arises and it should be noted to the school so to deal with the child in a way to be in track and not get distracted.

    School Traffic

    Do not try to violate school traffic which would disturb the other students as well as the parents. Let we give way to others.